5 Ways to Keep Your Home Clean During the Holidays

December 29th, 2017
By Brandon Boyewsky

We all want to find simple ways to keep our homes clean during the holidays. This time of year
is filled with fun and excitement. We delight in gathering with friends and family in our homes to
celebrate the joys of the season. But, our schedules are so busy, it can be hard to find the time
to worry about keeping our house in order. In fact, it be can downright overwhelming, at times.
If you’re like me, though, keeping your home clean is still high on your priority list. After all, you
want your holiday décor to brighten up your home, and that’s best done if your house is clean as
well. Here are 5 ways to keep your home clean during the holidays so you can sit back and
enjoy the season.

1. Thoroughly clean your Chicago home.

No matter what, it’s always easiest to maintain your
home when it’s clean to begin with. Have your home thoroughly cleaned by hiring a
professional cleaning agency! Outsourcing for help allows you more quality time with
family and friends. Once your home is clean, you’ll be more inspired to keep it up as you
go. Picking up along the way is much easier to handle than allowing things to get out of

2. Make sure everything has its spot.

Think about decluttering your home while you’re at
it. As you come across something, if it’s outlived its usefulness, think of getting rid of it.
Bring items to Goodwill for others to enjoy. If it still merits keeping, keep it in its place.

3. Devote a small time of the day to freshen up your home.

Fifteen to twenty minutes is
probably all it’ll take to pick up, wipe those countertops and tables, sweep or vacuum the
floors, and get those pillows looking fluffy again. Solicit family members to help and
designate some of the choresl. Multitask when you can. For instance, while you have
your dinner simmering away, get the dishes done. All it takes is a few minutes each day
to get your home looking spiffy again!

4. Have doormats and coat racks ready to handle the onslaught.

With people coming
and going constantly, shoes will likely have more debris tracked through your house.
Have some heavy duty floor mats at the doors so everyone can wipe their feet before
they track up the house. Better yet, ask your immediate family to take their shoes off at

the door to prevent it in the first place. It’s also a great idea to have a coat rack near the
entrance so coats can easily be hung.

5. Minimize the decorations.

Sometimes simplicity is better, don’t you think? All we really
need to feel the joys of the season are some sparkly lights, a door decoration, and a few
trimmings here and there. Overdoing decorations can sometimes add to the
overwhelming season. If you feel less stressed, chances are you’ll enjoy the holidays
more and put the focus where it really counts – enjoying time with friends and loved

The key to enjoying the holiday season is to feel less stressed and overwhelmed. Having your
home in order can go a long way to helping you feel more relaxed. Taking these few simple
steps can help you achieve a cleaner home, while helping you have a more enjoyable holiday. If you liked this post, then check out these tips and tricks for a guest-ready home during the holidays!

Happy Holidays!

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