Spring Cleaning Tips for Allergies

March 13th, 2017
By Brandon Boyewsky

Days are getting longer and warmer, flowers are starting to bloom, and it’s officially springtime across the country. While spring takes a little longer to spring in Chicago, now is still a great time to start cleaning your living space of dirt and dust so you can enjoy the upcoming beautiful days.

Especially if you normally suffer from allergies, this is a crucial time to make your home spic ‘n span. Over the winter, despite your best efforts and intentions, allergens have been building up, and combining allergens inside the home with pollen outside the home can make gorgeous spring days miserable.

A little spring cleaning can go a long way. Here are some tips to help remove allergens from you home.

Evict Your Dust Mites

While dust mites are everywhere and you can never fully rid your home of them, over the winter, many of these miniscule creatures have been taking up residence in your blankets and comforters. While we can’t see these creatures, many of us are allergic to them. To remove them from your bedding, wash your sheets in water that is at least 140 degrees fahrenheit, or just take them to the dry cleaners. Use an upholstery extension to vacuum your mattress.

Vacuum & Dust Overlooked Areas

Dust and dirt still find their way underneath your furniture and on top of your bookshelves, even if you don’t always find those spots with a vacuum or dust cloth. When vacuuming, move furniture and rugs and clean the spots you don’t normally. Dust thoroughly, and don’t forget to wipe down your window blinds. Spring cleaning is the time to vacuum furniture and clean cracks and crevasses. When you’re not sniffling and sneezing, you’ll be glad you did.

Trash It, Replace It, Prevent It

Now is also the perfect time to throw out and replace high-traffic rugs, old newspapers or magazines, and old pet beds. Speaking of pets, getting a head start on grooming can make shedding easier to deal with as the warmer months approach. If you’ve noticed mold spots in basements or bathrooms, scrub them away and consider using a dehumidifier in these areas.

Taking a day or two for spring cleaning can have an overwhelming impact on your allergies in this season. Remembering these tips can help you enjoy the beauty around you instead of hating the sun for shining and the flowers for blooming. Of course, if you don’t want to spend a day or two cleaning, you can always call our team of professionals to assist you!

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